Setting up Pre/Post processing networks

To run your imported model using CUBE Voyager, your CUBE 7 formatted networks and datasets need to be converted back to the appropriate Voyager supported file formats. CUBE 7 supports visualization of the CUBE .net file formats and there might not be a need to convert the output networks to CUBE 7 formats unless the output networks need to be further edited. The conversion process (both ways) can be scripted and automated as part of your model run process. CUBE 7 comes with a converter utility which can be called inside a CubePy program to handle the conversions. An example implementation of the pre/processing is provided in the attached CUBE 7 project below:


To find out how to set up a CubePy program check the tutorial: Adding CubePy programs

Note: When opening your CUBE 6 networks (.net) in CUBE 7, by default the map will be set to use spatial Reference EPSG: 3857 WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator, since CUBE 6 .net networks do not have any spatial reference associated with them. You can change the default spatial reference by going to: Tools > Options > GIS and set the SRID corresponding to the network (use the SRID in your input CUBE database file). For a list of supported spatial reference ids, please refer to